The More You Know, The More You QWO

It’s time to talk about everyone’s dirty little secret. That right! I’m talking about cellulite. Our dimply little friend that likes to take up residence on our buttocks and the back of our thighs. 

As grown women we are all in this together. If you asked 10 of your friends if they have any cellulite and 9 will say yes. Then dump the 10 friend because she’s lying, and she has it too! Even my infant daughter has it. There is no butt or thigh too small to stop it’s quest for world domination of the female backside. Do not despair friend, this is a happy story.

Here’s what we know: there is a female predominance, genetic susceptibility, hormonal component, lymphatics, and vascular deficiencies all play a role.

When you look at the dimple on your thigh, you are looking at a thickened fibrous septa that is acting as a tethering system connecting the dermis to the muscle. Fat cells are bulging and commonly paired with weakened dermal tissue.

What can we do?

  • Destruction of fibrous septa. This can be done multiple ways but the most effective and least traumatic way is Enzymatic subcision. QWO is a combination of two bacterial collagenases that hydrolyses collagen destroying the fibrous septa.
  • Dermal strengthening. Skin laxity and weakness are common findings in conjunction with cellulite. This laxity can be treated by injecting a biostimulator like Radiesse. Another option is to use an energy-based device like Radiofrequency micro needling to target laxity. Both interventions aim to thicken the dermis and provide stability to the skins structure.

Like I said this story has a happy ending. Now that we know what cellulite is and what we can do about it, all that is left is when. When are you going to say goodbye to yours? The answer is NOW. Now is the time to put cellulite behind you and get ready for shorts and dresses this summer. Remember summer bodies are made in the fall and winter.

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